TShark 1.2.15, Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.5

As part of a series on Wireshark, this is the first of many tips on using this versatile network tool.

If you run a DNS server, you may want to quickly see what types of queries are coming into the server as well as the response codes. The following query provides:

  1. Number of A (IPv4) queries in the last minute
  2. Number of AAAA (IPv6) queries in the last minute
  3. Number of CNAME
  4. Number of MX
  5. Number of NS
  6. Number of PTR
  7. Number of SOA
  8. Number of SRV
  9. Number of TXT
  10. Number of AXFR (complete zone transfers) …
  11. Number of IXFR (incremental zone transfers) …
  12. Number of Successful queries, which are those where the response code was zero (rcode==0)
  13. Number of Unsuccessful queries, which are those where the response code was non-zero (rcode!=0)

A complete listing of rcodes can be found at http://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-parameters/dns-parameters.xml#dns-parameters-6

Note this query shows ingress and egress DNS traffic, so you'll see DNS queries/responses that were sent to the server where you are running shark as well as queries/responses that originated on the server where tshark is running.

tshark -i eth0 -qz "io,stat,60,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==A,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==AAAA,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==CNAME,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==MX,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==NS,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==PTR,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==SOA,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==SRV,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==TXT,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==AXFR,COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==IXFR,COUNT(dns.flags.rcode)dns.flags.rcode and dns.flags.rcode==0,COUNT(dns.flags.rcode)dns.flags.rcode and dns.flags.rcode!=0" dst port 53 and dst host

Press ^C after 60 seconds or more to see results

^C3380 packets captured

IO Statistics
Interval: 60.000 secs
Column #0: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==A
Column #1: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==AAAA
Column #2: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==CNAME
Column #3: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==MX
Column #4: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==NS
Column #5: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==PTR
Column #6: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==SOA
Column #7: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==SRV
Column #8: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==TXT
Column #9: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==AXFR
Column #10: COUNT(dns.qry.type)dns.qry.type and dns.qry.type==IXFR
Column #11: COUNT(dns.flags.rcode)dns.flags.rcode and dns.flags.rcode==0
Column #12: COUNT(dns.flags.rcode)dns.flags.rcode and dns.flags.rcode!=0
                |   Column #0    |   Column #1    |   Column #2    |   Column #3    |   Column #4    |   Column #5    |   Column #6    |   Column #7    |   Column #8    |   Column #9    |   Column #10   |   Column #11   |   Column #12
Time            |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT |          COUNT
000.000-060.000               110               59                0               12                6                0               71                0                0                0                8              114               16
060.000-120.000               108               86                0               12                8                4              124                0                0                0               26              167               29
120.000-180.000                40               44                0                0               10                0               29                0                0                0                0               44                8

In the example above, in the first 60 seconds, we had 110 A queries, 59 AAAA queries; 114 successful responses and 16 unsuccessful responses.