Mac OS X 10.10.5, Cisco IOS-XE 3.7, JunOS 12.3R6.6

I work primarily on a Mac and want to be able to ssh to Cisco IOS equipment with ssh keys; however, Cisco does not make it easy to load keys. On JunOS, this is as easy as:

Ryans-MacBook-Pro:~ $ ssh -l rac
--- JUNOS 12.3R6.6 built 2014-03-13 06:57:48 UTC
rac> configure
Entering configuration mode

rac# edit system login

{master:0}[edit system login]
rchapman# set user test class read-only authentication ssh-rsa "AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDMRHIzELLQvj06gxqFnZn150T/OicDkBWwojNgSKdnOQIvEU/xu0LtlVUcZaVxVlZeVbm+UwsMdq1c/QuIsbINx18pRByPcwWWbI+4+du6kq8J6wi1qSD3bnBfGpHt2LG3liTTBHzvXFinWn1oB0BPq9q7zEUb2D1gBqyaurLdKs07DsC2T4xgNbJ1aQJFKP3qtfdTC8Fah7F46VK7eztUpPPJ/TEPxXBahwNxxUBnvYtEryhsOspLwVAtA9Uk5CnWt3q77pijtMj2p4gJ6zRKhMLFM0sWEoe98zyYkutlRkGlaLbR6c+0WpY5fuGdPsEibsVXqx/07OfvF6WAsb [email protected]"

{master:0}[edit system login]
rchapman# commit check
configuration check succeeds

{master:0}[edit system login]
rchapman# commit
configuration check succeeds
commit complete
{master:0}[edit system login]
rchapman# quit

rchapman# quit
Exiting configuration mode

rchapman> quit

Connection to closed.
Ryans-MacBook-Pro:~ $
Ryans-MacBook-Pro:~ $ ssh -i /tmp/id_rsa [email protected]
--- JUNOS 12.3R6.6 built 2014-03-13 06:57:48 UTC

Cisco IOS is a pain in comparison, requiring you to break the key up into lines of no more than 256 characters. When someone hands me their ssh pubkey, I don't want to have to manually break it up into appropriately sized lines, so I wrote a quick bash snippet to do it. This snippet was tested and worked on Mac OS X as well as Ubuntu 14.4 Linux:

IOS_USERNAME=test; KEYFILE=/tmp/ LANG=C; IOS_PASSWORD=$(cat /dev/random | perl -pe 's/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g' | fold -w $((RANDOM%10+20)) | head -n 1); printf "\nusername $IOS_USERNAME privilege 1 secret $IOS_PASSWORD\nip ssh pubkey-chain\n username $IOS_USERNAME\n  key-string\n"; cat ${KEYFILE} | fold -w200 ; printf "  exit\n exit\n\n"

That creates an account for the user test, with the pubkey file in /tmp/, a random length password (at least 20 characters, but less than 30) for password authentication, and a privilege level of 1. Change the priv to 15 if you want to have all privileges. It splits the key up into lines that are a max of 200 characters just to be safe, even though the documentation says 256 is the max.

rchapman@Chapmans-Macbook-Pro:/tmp$ IOS_USERNAME=test; KEYFILE=/tmp/ LANG=C; IOS_PASSWORD=$(cat /dev/random | perl -pe 's/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g' | fold -w $((RANDOM%10+20)) | head -n 1); printf "\nusername $IOS_USERNAME privilege 1 secret $IOS_PASSWORD\nip ssh pubkey-chain\n username $IOS_USERNAME\n  key-string\n"; cat ${KEYFILE} | fold -w200 ; printf "  exit\n exit\n\n"

username test privilege 1 secret 53L9rOkcyBcky4eZZpzxM
ip ssh pubkey-chain
 username test
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDMRHIzELLQvj06gxqFnZn150T/OicDkBWwojNgSKdnOQIvEU/xu0LtlVUcZaVxVlZeVbm+UwsMdq1c/QuIsbINx18pRByPcwWWbI+4+du6kq8J6wi1qSD3bnBfGpHt2LG3liTTBHzvXFinWn1oB0BPq9q7zEUb2D1
gBqyaurLdKs07DsC2T4xgNbJ1aQJFKP3qtfdTC8Fah7F46VK7eztUpPPJ/TEPxXBahwNxxUB+nvYtEryhsOspLwVAtA9Uk5CnWt3q77pijtMj2p4gJ6zRKhMLFM0sWEoe98zyYkutlRkGlaLbR6c+0WpY5fuGdPsEibsVXqx/07OfvF6WAsb test@Ryans-MacBook-

rchapman@Chapmans-Macbook-Pro:/tmp$ ssh [email protected]
core1#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
core1(config)#username test privilege 1 secret 73L7rOgmyBcky4eoZwzxF
core1(config)#ip ssh pubkey-chain
core1(conf-ssh-pubkey)# username test
core1(conf-ssh-pubkey-user)#  key-string
core1(conf-ssh-pubkey-data)#ssh AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDMRHIzELLQvj06gxqFnZn150T/OicDkBWwojNgSKdnOQIvEU/xu0LtlVUcZaVxVlZeVbm+UwsMdq1c/QuIsbINx18pRByPcwWWbI+4+du6kq8J6wi1qSD3bnBfGpHt2LG3liTTBHzvXFinWn1oB0BPq9q7zEUb2D1
core1(conf-ssh-pubkey-data)#gBqyaurLdKs07DsC2T4xgNbJ1aQJFKP3qtfdTC8Fah7F46VK7eztUpPPJ/TEPxXBahwNxxUB+nvYtEryhsOspLwVAtA9Uk5CnWt3q77pijtMj2p4gJ6zRKhMLFM0sWEoe98zyYkutlRkGlaLbR6c+0WpY5fuGdPsEibsVXqx/07OfvF6WAsb test@Ryans-MacBook-
core1(conf-ssh-pubkey-data)#  exit
core1(conf-ssh-pubkey-user)# exit
Shared connection to closed.
Connection to closed by remote host.

Now to verify that it works:

rac@Chapmans-Macbook-Pro:/tmp$ ssh -i /tmp/id_rsa [email protected]

Yep. It works.